Industrial Services

We provide solutions for companies providing industrial services, leading to increased business efficiencies, profits and improved customer service levels.


We provide complete retail solutions for in-store Point-of-Sale with CRM functionality including loyalty schemes to back-office Accounting including bar coding and solutions running on mobile devices such as using an iPad as a Pos device.

Event Management

For businesses where the workforce is scattered across the country, managing events at different venues, all hours and all days of the week, We can supply & implement an ERP solution that is robust and able to effectively manage project-based costs with the right amount of transparency that will provide an overview of any given project in real time.

Cloud Solutions

Running ERP in the Cloud provides impressive cost savings, significant gains in access speeds and durability. We have pioneered cloud solutions for SAP Functional & Technical Modules and options include cloud hosted exchange servers, online backup, and Internet (ISP) services.


We Industrial Engineering division can provide cost-effective integration between an eCommerce website and the company.